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Calathea Rufibarba
Calathea Rufibarba

Calathea Rufibarba

Regular price R 200.00
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Calathea Rufibarba

Although Calathea is one of the more challenging plants out there to keep, it really is all about understanding what it needs.

Keep its soil damp but be sure that it is not soggy. You will need soil that drains well, retains moist and not water. You can water your Calathea often and in small quantities

If the soil is soggy, root rot will quickly get the better of your plant.

Medium to high indirect sunlight is best at all times. Make sure not to let any direct sunlight touch the leaves as it will burn quickly. 

Basically all Calathea's prefer good humidity levels of between 50-80%. If you do not have a humidifier, be sure to mist the leaves in the morning when you wake up every day or second day. Alternatively, setting the pot on top of a shallow container like a tray filled with gravel and water also works well. Make sure that the gravel level is higher than the water before you sit the pot on top of it. The pot or the plant roots must never touch the water,

Your Calathea is also a good addition to your air purifying collection. 

Note: Each individual plant is unique. This image is an example only, however the plant you receive will be as close as possible to this image description. 

Note: Stem length indicated above is a guide to the estimated length rather than an exact length that you will receive.